Biz value (1–4)
Improve visibility of relevant information
Tech ease (1–4)
UX value (1–4)
Improvements (sample)
Display context for dashboard features
- Add key information— at least what and, if there’s room, why— to items under Commonly Used and Recommended Audiences on the dashboard (figure 1).
- I suggest displaying the info inline, beneath each title, as the what and the why will be non-trivial to some users. ie. “Quickly add and filter audience data from our database.” Behind the info icon could be less pertinent, or benefit-oriented info like. “Use this data with MetaMatch AI to improve the quality of other audience lists”
- Add key information under primary actions on the MetaMatch dashboard (figure 2). Copy should answer the question users might ask— “why perform this action?”
- Under “Connect Your Tech Stack,” for example, key information should describe how MetaMatch’s integrations allow users to add and augment audience data quickly from different platforms.